We made an update to the Smart TV apps today. All the changes apply to both Samsung TV and LG TV apps:
- Fixed a case where the metadata preview area would be empty for continue watching items
- Improved load time and memory consumption
- Fixed a case where the navigation could get stuck when continue watching is empty
- Fixed a case where some characters would be ignored in the search field
- Fixed using the “Back” key on the search input field
- Fixed automated subtitle track selection
The app should auto-update for all users within the next 24h.
In some cases you can speed up the update by doing a hard reboot of the TV. For Samsung TV users this means keeping the power button pressed for some time until you see the samsung logo on the screen, for LG TV users you can keep the power button pressed for 10-15 seconds, then pressing the power button again to start up the TV. Alternatively you can always hard reboot a TV by unplugging it from the power socket for 10s.
Is there any way to tell when the app has updated? The version number I see today is Theater v1.7.1 but I think it has been that for well over a year. Auto update is on. LG OLED48CX5LC webos 5.5.0-19 (jhericurl-jervisbay)
v1.7.1 is the new version, you can see the UI version in the app, the version shown on the LG Store is the shell version and it doesn’t need to be updated as frequently for app changes