Happy Holidays to all the Stremio cats out there! As we are nearing the end of 2022, we prepared a (highly anticipated) Android TV release and have worked hard on improving the Cinemeta official addon for an even better user experience, in all apps.
So let’s see what changed, but first…
A gift for those that want to celebrate Christmas by watching some of the greatest Christmas movies ever made: we have created an addon just for that!
Here’s how to install the Christmas Movies addon:
→ if you already have Stremio installed on your current device, just clicking this link should install the addon
→ alternatively, search for “christmas” in the addons list of any Stremio app and install the “Christmas Movies” addon
→ Enjoy
Now, back to the updates:
Android TV: (v1.5.7)
- Small UI adjustments in side menu and meta detail screen
- Fix multiline subs not respecting RTL
- Fix external player opening again after returning from it
- Remove streaming server cache setting and disable it by default
- Bump dependencies (leanback and exoplayer)
- Add stream addon results navigation by individual addon
- Show progress in video/episode cards
- Fix not storing video in continue watching when starting in external player
- Allow seeking to the end of video in libVLC
- Show toast notification of API errors
- Add context menu options for list items to add to lib or remove from lib
- Change dismiss context menu action label
- Show only distinct search suggestions
- Add default player type setting
- Add magnet link handling when opening from other apps or when pasting into search box
- Fix libVLC not restoring state correctly after returning from sleep
- Store all user selections in player screen (subtitles track, audio track, subs delay, playback speed, player override) and restore them when resuming the stream
- Add setting to define a duration for when to show skips credits pop-up
- Updated translations
- Various small bug fixes/adjustments
Cinemeta official addon:
- Fixed issue where runtime value was invalid for series (such as: “36S min”, “1 min”, “2 min”)
- Fixed issue where posters may be black with just a logo
- Fixed issue where an image from the movie / series would be used as poster instead
- Fixed issue where episodes would not show for some more obscure series
- Posters for the items of the official Cinemeta catalogs will be refreshed more frequently in order to ensure improved poster / background / logo choices
- Fixed an issue where the episode updates would be stalled
Changes that were recently made to Cinemeta may take a few weeks to be applied as it is in the process of updating and older data needs to expire from the cache.
The Android TV app is in the process of auto-updating, if you wish to install now and not wait, you can do so by either checking the Play Store to see if there is an “Update” button available, or you can download it from our downloads page.
Stay tuned as we have many surprises planned for our users!
If you have any questions or comments about Stremio, feel free to ask them on one of our social channels:
Official Stremio Reddit – reddit.com/r/Stremio
Stremio Helpdesk – stremio.zendesk.com
Stremio Facebook – facebook.com/stremio
Stremio Twitter – twitter.com/stremio/
You may also enjoy chatting on the unofficial community of Stremio users:
Unofficial Stremio Addons Reddit – reddit.com/r/StremioAddons
Thank You so much for the Christmas present, Stremio TV is best addon for me.
Have a wonderful Christmas and new year
Wait what is Stremio TV?
Awesome, thanks for your work!
Android TV update is excellent, especially fixing the dismiss / delete issue with the Library. Thnx
I really like Stremio, it’s just a pity it takes so many weeks to expose PT-Brasil Subtitles in each Film.
And they could improve the Audio and subtitles to be Synchronized when Chromecasting from Mobile to TV.
Excellent ,thank you for existing
Truly amazing, thank you for the hard work.
Wish the following bug would also get fixed:
The issue is that the internal player seems to struggle with videos that use multiple subtitle text on the screen, let’s say in anime when two people are talking and we have a subtitle at the top and one at the bottom. It seems that only one can be displayed at a time.
Hi, this is an ExoPlayer bug, we know of it, and would also love it if ExoPlayer could find a solution! Once it is fixed in ExoPlayer it will be fixed in Stremio too.
I would like the update of exoplayer to take into account the reading of all formats of video and audio files. Thank you very much for this good work
There is a PR on the exoplayer GitHub. They are trying to re introduce .ASS subtitle support but it’s low priority and has been stuck in development for years. In the meantime MPV renders subs correctly but you’ll often run into .264 10bit video issues as most android TV devices cannot hardware decide this format and lack the power to software decide.
MPV is unfortunately the least mature video player for Android at this time.
Great job guys. Keep up the good work really appreciate it
good work all, appreciate the updates. new update seems to have broken higher playback speeds on libvlc specifically. if you increase past 1.00 the audio doesn’t play anymore.
I would be very grateful if this new update was also for mobile phones and Android Box.
It’s is for android box. Replaced the default android one on my x88 pro and it’s like day and night. Soooooo much better.
Thank yous o much for this awesome Christmas present! I love the new features! It really polishes the app. It now remembers subtitle selection and delay which is a huge thing for me when pausing something to watch more later!
There is 1 really really annoying thing still on Android TV:
1. Bring up the seek bar while watching something.
2. Scroll to somewhere else in playback position.
3. While playback position bar is visible, idle for a bit while thinking.
4. Decide to press the Back.utton to hide the play bar. If you ended up doing that WHILE the play bar has begun its hiding animation, your back-press quits the Stremio player immediately.
There should be a cool down like this in the code:
– on start animating “hide player bar”: this.hideTimestamp = time.now()
– on back key press: if time.now() – this.hideTimestamp < 1.5 seconds: ignore the back press.
This is how other players solve it to ignore that accident.
I think it is the only real issue with Stremio in Android TV.
Close to perfect in all other ways! Awesome work!
Why remove the cache option? I Hope they bring back the option in the next update
It was the #1 reason for app crashes due to devices running out of storage.
We can only bring it back when we add support for caching on external storage for Android TV.
I have my Stremio installed on my external SSD attached to my SHIELD. I didn’t have any crash issues while it was set to 10 and I’m pretty sure the cache was writing on on the SSD. I could see the app size changing on the SSD storage after cache.
yes, cache option is important for who has low internet speed. pls bring back.
best free app ever
Stremio Is cool, I like so much
Hi, Is it possible to have an inbuilt updater for the app as Stremio is not available through Play Store in my country.
Love the progress so far, would love it even more if we could integrate kodi as a internal play. That would be the biggest and most appealing change for me.
Please give us back the cache option
thank you!! the app is my favourite! Only a few details are missing, such as being able to download, perhaps a button within the application to clear cache
Is there a way, an add on, to have the cast description for each movie/series?
Is there a way to bring back old vertical interface? Much better to find new series/movies.
Good Afternoom, are you fine ? Happy new Year !! all and DEVs
I’m here first to be greatfull you for the stremio for android TV, is the best option even for TVbox like me has using.
I see the last version removed the cache settings ( i believe it is for the cache is a problem for TV devices have low storage space available) but, i wish, if possible, if you can, return this option with these settings can be good
[ Because this, i still using the 1.5.6 version, i use sometimes these option and helps a lot !)
Now, has my explanations and ideias i believe can be good for all users of stremio, about this subject :
Return the option for cache – with the option for external storage device like an SD cad or Pen-drive
Correct the cache option to can be stored in “cache data” of the app. Actually, all older versions of stremio store “cache” in app data and not in “cache app data”. So, if you need to clear cache this is not solved until you clear all app data and start login again so : It’s possible correct the cache in app to store in “Cache app data” for android?
I believe if have the cache option disabled by default and to can be stored in external device, and even, can really stored in internal, but in really “cache app data “( and not anymore in “app data”) can be very, very good ! Thanks for all the awelsome work on stremio !
Is possible to add an option for cache -1GB- too ? (actually has only 2Gb cache and more) – because 1Gb is a large amount to help poor seeded media , but is not too large to can deprecated low storage space in some devices like TVbox with 8Gb internal ROM
P.S: The cache setting is an very very good option when watching some poor seeded movie or serie , because we can pause the media and the system will can continue downloading then in background . I believe if can have 1Gb cache option, have internal or external storage device option (for devices with low space) and really store the cache onto “app cache data” (not the APP DATA has is actually) can solve this issue in definitive
Best Regards,
Hello, is it possible to implement a Japanese interface?
Please, enable cache option again if possible and :
* Enable an option for 1Gb Cache (today has only 2Gb and more)
* Enable can save cache on external storage for users with android TV
welcome There is a problem with your application. When I want to play the episodes on TV, I have a problem with not playing them. There is a problem with subtitles being too late or too fast for a scene. Thank you.
Not gonna lie, this is the best thing since sliced bread and latex condoms (they used to be made of sheep gut ISYN).
1. Support for m3u playlist AND epg
2. Grids instead of scrolling marquee for content
Other than that, thank you for all your hard work
Why was the caching setting disabled?
it helps prevent buffering. Will you be adding it back?
Hi there,
First of all thank you for such a great app! I’ve only been using it for a few days but was wondering about a GUI element which just started to appear in the bottom right corner when playing videos. It’s a circular arrow and clicking on it reloads Stremio. Not really sure why it’s there though and why you’d need to reload the app like that?
Thanks for any help with the above.
Please bring back the streaming cache option, even if it’s disabled by default– I bought an Android TV box with 128GB of storage specifically to improve streaming by having more space for cache.
The best android tv app ever. If only the full name of the translation could be seen when loading the translation.
Thank for the app but my Tv version is showing that “no streams are available” but mobile version as plenty of streams (using torrentio) ! any thoughts on this? thanks!