We recently updated our privacy policy! Let’s take a moment to highlight a few of the more important parts of our privacy policy: – We do not collect any personal data when a user is in Guest Mode.– We do not collect any history or logs of what addons/sources you use for streaming (regardless of…
Author: Alex
Stremio Tech Update #10
This is edition #10 of Stremio Tech Updates and we have great news for you all. In the last couple of months we have been working on major updates to our PC and Android versions, we have also fixed major issues in our infrastructure. Trakt integration The Trakt integration has been fixed! You may have…
Stremio Web alpha is now open-source
Today marks a new era for Stremio: the Web alpha version was open-sourced on GitHub: https://github.com/stremio/stremio-web. This is the first Stremio version that is a web app, which means it runs in your browser! It also features a slightly redesigned user interface, with a new color palette and focused on improved usability. It’s also the first…