It’s time to conclude yet another successful edition of our traditional addon development contest. Here are this year’s winners!
Stremio Addon Titans: Voting Is Now Open!
The Stremio Addon Titans coding competition is almost finished and we are now at the most exciting stage of it: selecting the winners! As usual, we received a large number of submissions. After carefully reviewing each and every one of them, we shortlisted the eligible entries that you can see below. We will award a…
Stremio Addon Titans 2020: Create an Addon, Win $5,000
The Stremio addon development contest has become a tradition – after 3 successful editions, it is now time for another one. We’re introducing The Stremio ADDON TITANS 2020 contest. Between today and March 9, 2021 developers from all over the world will compete to show off their coding skills, creativity and innovative thinking. The top…
Our privacy policy has been updated
We recently updated our privacy policy! Let’s take a moment to highlight a few of the more important parts of our privacy policy: – We do not collect any personal data when a user is in Guest Mode.– We do not collect any history or logs of what addons/sources you use for streaming (regardless of…
Stremio Tech Update #10
This is edition #10 of Stremio Tech Updates and we have great news for you all. In the last couple of months we have been working on major updates to our PC and Android versions, we have also fixed major issues in our infrastructure. Trakt integration The Trakt integration has been fixed! You may have…
Stremio Web alpha is now open-source
Today marks a new era for Stremio: the Web alpha version was open-sourced on GitHub: This is the first Stremio version that is a web app, which means it runs in your browser! It also features a slightly redesigned user interface, with a new color palette and focused on improved usability. It’s also the first…
Stremio Addon Contest 2020: The Winners
The 2020 edition of the Stremio Addon Contest has been very successful – we had a large number of submissions, and 23 addons made it to the final line. As usual, our community failed to disappoint and actively voted to select the three winners. In the meantime, our team of judges convened to decide who…
Stremio Addon Contest: Voting Is Now Open
We have now reached the most exciting stage of the 2020 Stremio Addon Contest: the community vote. By selecting your favourite addons you, our community members, will determine the winners of the following three prizes: 1st place: $1,500 or its equivalent in Bitcoin 2nd place: $1,000 or its equivalent in Bitcoin 3rd place: $500 or…
Stremio Addon Contest 2020: Voting Window Moved
The third annual Stremio Addon Contest is no longer accepting entries – we’d like to thank everyone who participated and submitted an addon. We received a record number of submissions and our team is currently evaluating the eligible ones so that we can go live with the community vote. Please note that this vote will…
Stremio Tech Update #9
It’s been a while since our last tech update but we have a lot to tell you all about. So make a cup of coffee, eat a slice of cake and enjoy our latest news! The 3rd Stremio Addon Competition Yes! Our annual addon competition is back! This is the third edition of our addon…